The 2023 event was held free and online, from June 19 to 23. EDRLab members will benefit from a written synthesis of every session, with deep links to the video recordings: it is still time to become member of EDRLab!
Sessions in alphabetical order
- Accessible textbooks in Brazil: the RNP Plateform
- Authenticity & Counterfeit
- Better epub from InDesign
- Books in Smart Speakers
- Booktracking solutions
- Digging into the backlist issue with ABE Lab
- Digital textbooks, state and needs
- European Accessibility Act implementations checkpoint
- Fixed Layout Accessibility
- Guided audio navigation in comics
- Informing the user about book accessibility and features
- No-code Accessibility for InDesign
- Practical Resources for Born Accessible Publishing
- Reading born accessible contents : a new journey for assistive technologies manufacturers
- Readium Mobile Toolkits
- SalesData service
- Thorium Reader in 2023
- Trends and tendencies: digital books in Europe
- Working with EDRLab
Monday, 19 of June
Working with EDRLab
Welcome introduction by Virginie Clayssen, President of EDRLab followed by a discussion with EDRLab members Nicola Cavalli (MLOL), Marko Hercog (Beletrina) and Daniel Freiling (Nota) explaining how the technology developed by the network is helping their organisations to build their own projects. .
What are the trends and tendencies in the digital book market in Europe?
This session will present some data and trends about the digital book market(s) in Europe. Enrico Turrin (Deputy Director at the Federation of European Publishers) will present the data collected by the Federation of European Publishers in its annual survey of publisher associations, focusing on the mainstream channels. In parallel and intertwined with the traditional book markets, a variety of other publishing models has emerged and vastly expanded in recent years, which often are not covered by standard book data. Analyst Rüdiger Wischenbart will offer some estimates on the scope and dynamic growth that self-publishing, community based, and direct-to-consumer have seen.
European Accessibility Act implementations checkpoint
Cristina Mussinelli (Secretary General of Fondazione LIA), Raphael Berger (Creative Director of ARCOM), and Clara Bedhome (Project Manager of ARCOM) will provide an overview of the state of the art of the implementation of the European Accessibility Act and on how the EU publishing industry is preparing to comply.
Authenticity and Counterfeit
There is growing concern in the international book markets surrounding the illegitimate (re)publication of books on online platforms. These unauthorized publications often involve deceptive practices such as false author or publisher attributions, misleading cover images, and modified title information to sell illegitimate and potentially fraudulent content. To tackle this problem, a W3C community group is actively exploring potential solutions that aim to establish trust, transparency, and enable appropriate action against these illegitimate and potentially illegal appropriations of creative works, leveraging decentralised content identifiers, such as the International Standard Content Code (ISCC), and Verifiable Credentials.
A presentation by Sebastian Posth, co-director of the ISCC Foundation .
Tuesday, 20 of June
Digging into the backlist issue: ABE Lab a research and developement project
The ABELab project is about giving accurate data and guidelines for boosting the conversion of backlist ebooks into accessible.
On digital ebook platforms older and niche titles are of more importance than in a physical book world. But most backlist titles sell only a few copies per year and many titles have a quite complex structure. If making those titles accessible involves high costs, there is risk of seeing them removed from the market at scale by 2025. This is particularly concerning when cultural diversity of content and social inclusion of people with visual and cognitive disabilities are at stake.
We’ll present the first results of our data analysis and detail tests that will be done on samples ebooks we received from collaborating partners.
A presentation by Gautier Chomel (EDRLab); Chiara De Martin (Fondazione LIA) and Ted van der Togt (KB.nl).
Guided audio navigation in comics: bridging the gap between media overlays and regional navigation
In this session we’ll explore on-going efforts within the Readium community to create a new reading experience for comics, manga and webtoons.
What if comics could become accessible to everyone and work equally as well on a tablet, smartphone or on a smart speaker?
An Overview of the current status of the work on digital comics by Hadrien Gardeur (Head of Product at DeMarque) and Morten Sjøgren (Nota).
No-code Accessibility for InDesign
How can typesetters, book publishers and content creators be required to create accessible publications if they don’t have the necessary tools to make them?
This session conducted by Ken Jones (CEO of Circular Software) offers hope to those who might otherwise claim it would be a ‘disproportionate burden’ for them to fix and tidy up the mess we are left with from Adobe by helping InDesign export accessible publications without coding! Covering:
- Unique visual tools to help us prepare our InDesign files, including no-code methods for adding reading order, managing image descriptions and much more
- Custom accessibility checklists that we run on the InDesign file before output to be confident it has been well prepared
- Automatic exporting and fixups that are applied to create a much improved and more accessible reflowable and fixed layout EPUB straight from the InDesign file
Making better ebooks from InDesign
Making ebooks from InDesign is not as straightforward as it should be. This session will cover some tips and tricks for creating accessible EPUB, including:
- How to create accessible ebook content with Adobe’s InDesign
- How to use styles to full effect and work the InDesign gears
- Scripts that help with accessible conversions
- What must be cleaned up post-EPUB export from InDesign
A presentation by Laura Brady, inclusive publishing expert working with the Association of Canadian Publishers among other organizations.
Wednesday, 21 of June
Practical Resources for Born Accessible Publishing
We are all increasingly aware of the need to create accessible ebooks. But how can publishing professionals learn about what is involved and what specifically to do? In this session we will highlight some great free learning and reference resources for you to build in-depth knowledge. And we’ll reveal the tools that will help you know when you’ve made great publications for everyone.
The ultimate goal is creating better ebooks and an accessible user experience for all.
Presentated by Hans Beerens (Accessibility Officer at Dedicon) and Richard Orme (Chief Executive of the DAISY Consortium)
Fixed Layout Accessibility initiatives
This year, the working group dedicated to EPUB at the French Publishers Association (SNE) has started to explore the question of building accessible fixed-layout EPUBs.
If accessibility in fixed-layout EPUBs is limited, are there technical ways to go beyond? Vincent Gros (Ebooks and Data specialist at Hachette Livre), presents one of these possible initiatives, called “hybrid” EPUB, based on EPUB 3.3 core features, and discuss about pros and cons.
Digital textbooks: state and needs
Discussion on the needs of publishers on digital textbooks with Ilas Koerner-Wellershaus, Vice Chair of the IPA Educational Publishers Forum and Nathalie Pujo representative of the French Association of Educational Publishers.
Thursday, 22 of June
Readium Mobile Toolkits
Join Mickaël Menu, lead developer at De Marque, as he unveils the latest advancements in the Readium Mobile Toolkits for Android and iOS. Discover the exciting new features, including text-to-speech, decorations, and the new preferences APIs. Mickaël will also highlight efforts to enhance accessibility metadata, making digital content more inclusive.
Recognizing the challenges developers face in integrating Readium’s complex library, Mickaël will discuss the team’s commitment to providing high-level user guides.
In the second part of the presentation, Mickaël will introduce the Readium Web Toolkit — a new project that brings the Readium Reading system to the web. With functional readers for EPUB and PDF already in place, the focus will now turn to supporting comic books and audiobooks.
Thorium Reader 2023 agenda
Thorium is a free and open-source software application for desktop operating systems (i.e. Windows, Mac, Linux). Thorium’s goal is to offer one of the best reading experiences for several mainstream and specialised publication formats, such as EPUB, DAISY, audiobooks, Divina comic books, PDF. Thorium’s user interface aims for simplicity and clarity, with a core focus on accessibility (from baseline usability to supporting a variety of screen readers and assistive technologies). Thorium integrates the LCP DRM technology which can be used for ebook purchases and time-limited library loans. Thorium provides access to OPDS content servers, with support for several authentication methods. Thorium is maintained by a small and dedicated development team, under EDRLab’s leadership. Join this presentation to hear about user-centric design, technical challenges, and Thorium’s plans for the future!
A presentation by Daniel Weck, software engineer working with EDRLab and the DAISY Consortium to build solutions in the space of digital publishing and accessible media.
Reading born accessible contents : a new journey for assistive technologies manufacturers
A lot of people with disabilities are used to read with assistive technologies : braille notetakers, DAISY Players, reading apps with screenreaders… Some of them are now committed to use Epub 3, some not. Some are now considering going through Readium LCP. But does anyone know what is an assistive technology ? What does it mean to develop and maintain devices or apps for people with disabilities ? What are the ecosystems around the world providing books, guidance and skills for those users? That what we’ll try to cover with Humanware, Bones AG and Dolphin LTD.
Discussion with Fernando Pinto da Silva (president of DAISY France), Stephan Knecht (CEO of Bones AG); Mattias Karlsson (product manager, Dolphin Access LTD) and Mathieu Paquette (product manager, Humanware).
Books in smart speakers: “Lis mon Livre” soon live.
Laurette Uzan (Association Valentin Haüy), Lindsay Tyler (CELA Library) and Ioana Gandrabur (CELA) will present accessible reading through smart speakers, presenting the “Lis mon Livre” project as well as the interest of moving from CDs to online access, showing us some examples of how people interact with a skill.
Friday, 23 of June
Informing the user about book accessibility and features
Finding, buying, and finally reading a publication is a very personal experience. This sentence is the first of the User Experience Guide for Displaying Accessibility Metadata, a W3C Community Group Report released in September 2021. It was assorted with a feedback request.
18 month after we had material to rework the Guide in a totally new way. This session will provide you with information about this ongoing process and present the side effects observed all along the book value chain, from publisher’s understanding to reader’s awareness.
Come and dive with us into the metadata world in an accessible way!
Presentation by Gautier Chomel (EDRLab) and Gregorio Pellegrino (LIA).
Booktracking solutions: Arianna+
Communication between book professionals is not always easy. Since 1998 Arianna + has been playing an essential role in making communication smoother. Arianna + is an integrated communication service and teleordering system that connects bookshops, distributors, publishers, wholesalers and book promoters, run by Information Editoriali.
Participants can exchange product information and messages related to the order cycle (product catalog and price lists, stock reports, orders, dispatch advices, order responses, sales reports) in standard formats, so that they can be processed automatically and unambiguously, increasing speed and decreasing errors.
The sell-out data collected from bookstores are then distributed to the entitled publishers, distributors and market research companies, and used by Arianna + for its own statistical analyses.
Arianna + Use Case is presented by Simonetta Pillon (CEO of Informazioni Editoriali) in discussion with Laurent Le Meur (Flux Numérique).
Booktracking solutions: SalesData Service
SalesData collects weekly point-of-sales data from over 2,000 retail outlets across Canada, covering an estimated 85% of the Canadian trade print book market. Noah Genner (CEO and President of BookNet Canada) will introduce us to this sales tracking tool used to investigate market trends, identify sales opportunities, plan print runs and book orders, and more.