The Digital Publishing Summit Europe (ex EPUB Summit) was held in Berlin on the 16th and 17th of May, 2018.
You’ll find in the program page the videos and slides of the conference.
This third EDRLab event helped strengthening a true spirit of cooperation between professionals and pushing to the massive adoption of open standards and software by the European publishing industry.
Some details about the event
This was the third iteration of a yearly event, previously named EPUB Summit. The two first events were held in Bordeaux (2016) and Brussels (2017).
The new name illustrates the extension of our focus from EPUB related to more generic digital publishing matters, and clearly positions the event as the European counterpart of the W3C Digital Publishing Summit in the US.
The event was organized in the Spreespeicher building (Stralauer Allee 2, 10245 Berlin).
This place is on the Spree river, with a beautiful terrace for discussions around a coffee.
During this day and half, participants have exchanged on technical and business innovations in the publishing industry, from the production of natively accessible ebooks to the spread of highly interoperable EPUB 3 reading applications on all platforms.
Springer, Elsevier, Ullstein, Tolino: the German publishing industry was present to illustrate the wide digitization of the whole sector, innovations in scientific and scholarly publishing, use of analytics for getting more information about what readers like. EDRLab presented their current work on Readium software, in mobile and desktop environments, Daisy introduced their new ACE accessibility testing tool, W3C members presented the advances of their work on the future (Packaged) Web Publications, representatives of European national libraries talked about the challenges of digital archival … the program was diverse and full of exclusive topics.
The hash tag for the event was #dpubsummit.
Readium 2 workshop
Before the Digital Publishing Summit,Wednesday, May 16th, a Readium meetup was organized by EDRLab around the Readium-2 initiative. It was freely open to all developers willing to adopt Readium-2 as a SDK for developing reading solutions.
More than 30 participants joined the meetup. We discussed around the presentation of “R2 Reader” for iOS, “R2 Reader” for Android and “Readium Desktop”. These modular, open-source software developments, led by EDRLab, are already available for customization on the Readium Github and as pre-complied applications on the Apple and Google stores (mobile apps) and on the Readium Github (desktop app). You’d like to test them? Just follow the links above.
Media coverage
ActuaLitté (fr): Berlin devient le coeur du livre numérique en Europe.
IDBOOX (fr): Ebooks – Le Digital Publishing Summit Europe se tiendra à Berlin.
Orbanism (de): Digital Publishing Summit Europe 2018
Digital Publishing Report (de): Interop in EPUB 3 is key
DPC Consulting (de): Neue Impulse für das digitale Lesen: Der Digital Publishing Summit Europe 2018
Lettres Numériques (be): Le numérique pour permettre aux éditeurs de mieux connaître leurs lecteurs